Collection: Health Foods

So-called "health foods" are no longer the preserve of health fanatics - ensuring a reliable daily supply of vitamins, minerals and other vital nutrients is a concern (or at least should be) for every person living in the modern age.

As long ago as 1992, the 'Earth Summit Report' revealed a potential loss of 72% of the mineral content in the soils of Europe in the last 100 years alone, as a result of modern-day intensive farming practices. These depleted soils then yield crops that are tasteless and have poor nutritional content. And this doesn't take into account the widescale interference with our food chain in terms of synthetic chemical inputs after harvesting!

The result - unfortunately, we can no longer rely on diet alone to fulfil our bodies' nutritional requirements. This is even the case where we believe we are eating a healthy, well-balanced diet.

10 products